研究業績 (論文)


  1. High tolerance of the superconducting current to large grain boundary angles in potassium-doped BaFe2As2,
    T. Hatano, D. Qin, K. Iida, H. Gao, Z. Guo, H. Saito, S. Hata, Y. Shimada, M. Naito, A. Yamamoto
    NPG Asia Mater. 16 41 (2024).
  2. Structural analysis and transport properties of [010]-tilt grain boundaries in Fe(Se,Te),
    K. Iida, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hatano, K. Walter, B. Holzapfel, J. Hänisch, Z. Guo, H. Gao, H. Shi, S. Tokuta,S. Hata, A. Yamamoto, H. Ikuta
    Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 25 2384829 (2024).
  3. Quadrupling the depairing current density in the iron-based superconductor SmFeAsO1–xHx,
    M. Miura, S. Eley, K. Iida, K. Hanzawa, J. Matsumoto, H. Hiramatsu, Y. Ogimoto, T. Suzuki, T. Kobayashi, T. Ozaki, H. Kurokawa, N. Sekiya, R. Yoshida , T. Kato, T. Okada , H. Okazaki, T. Yamaki, J. Hänisch, S. Awaji, A. Maeda, B. Maiorov, H Hosono
    Nature Materials 23 1370-1378 (2024).


  1. Focus on recent advances in superconducting films,
    P. Cayado, J. Hänisch, K. Iida, C. Senatore
    Supercond. Sci. Technol. 36 090401 (2023).
  2. Recent progress on epitaxial growth of Fe-based superconducting thin films,
    K. Iida, J. Hänisch, S. Hata, A. Yamamoto
    Supercond. Sci. Technol. 36 063001 (2023).


  1. Thin film growth of Ba(Zn,Fe)2As2 by molecular beam epitaxy,
    R. Ikegamia, T. Hatanoa, T. Kiyozawaa, T. Ishidab, Y. Tomizawaa, K. Iida, H. Ikuta,
    Thin Solid Films 758 139420 (2022).
  2. K-doped Ba122 epitaxial thin film on MgO substrate by buffer engineering,
    D. Qin, K. Iida, Z. Guo, C. Wang, H. Saito, S. Hata, M. Naito, A. Yamamoto,
    Supercond. Sci. Technol. 35 09LT01 (2022).
  3. Microstructure, pinning properties, and aging of CSD-grown SmBa2Cu3O7-δ films with and without BaHfO3 nanoparticles,
    J. Hänisch, K. Iida, P. Cayado, M. Erbe, L. Grünewald, T. Hatano, T. Okada, D. Gerthsen, S. Awaji, B. Holzapfel,
    Supercond. Sci. Technol. 35 084009 (2022).
  4. Inter- to intra-layer resistivity anisotropy of NdFeAs(O,H) with various hydrogen concentrations,
    M. Y. Chen, K. Iida, K. Kondo, J. Hänisch, T. Hatano, H. Ikuta,
    Phys. Rev. Materials 6 054802 (2022).


研究業績 (本)

  1. E1 Introduction to Processing Methods, E2 Introduction to Section E2: Bulk Materials, E5 Introduction to Section E5: Superconductor Contacts
    Kazumasa Iida,
    Eds. David A. Cardwell, David C. Larbalestier, Aleksander Braginski, Taylor & Francis Books, Inc.
  2. 鉄系超伝導体の薄膜成長,
    内藤 方夫, 飯田 和昌
    超伝導技術の最前線[応用編], 第2章, 38-71, 株式会社 近代科学社
  3. Grain Boundaries in Fe-Based Superconductors,
    Jens Hänisch, Kazumasa Iida,
    Superconductivity From Materials Science to Practical Applications, 269-302 (2020),
    Eds. P. Mele, K. Prassides, C. Taranini, A. Palau, P. Badica, A. K. Jha, T. Endo, Springer Nature Switzerland.
  4. Nanocomposite RE-Ba-Cu-O Bulk Superconductors,
    Kazumasa Iida,
    Oxide Thin Films, Multilayers, and Nanocomposites, 85-95 (2015),
    Eds. P. Mele, T. Endo, S. Arisawa, C. Li, T. Tsuchiya, Springer Nature Switzerland.

研究業績 (発表)


  1. 三段階プロセスによる(Nd, Sr)2NiO4薄膜のフッ素化及び物性評価,
    (口頭発表) 小崎蒼太, 川原徹大, 浦田隆広, 飯田和昌, 畑野敬史, 生田博志,
    日本物理学会第79回年次大会(北海道 北海道大学), 2024年9月18日
  2. 銅酸化物超伝導体GdBa2Cu3O7-δ薄膜の電気抵抗の異方性,
    (ポスター発表) 守永昴世,畑野敬史,生田博志,飯田和昌,
    第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (新潟 朱鷺メッセ), 2024年9月17日
  3. Status of Iron Based Superconductors: Characteristics and Relevant Properties to Applications,
    (Plenary) Kazumasa Iida,
    The Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2024) (Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, USA), September 3, 2024


  1. Fabrication of symmetric [010]-tilt grain boundaries of Fe(Se,Te),
    (口頭発表) K. Iida, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hatano, J. Hänisch, Z. Guo, H. Gao, S. Tokuta, H. Shi, S. Hata, A. Yamamoto, H. Ikuta,
    Materials Research Meeting, MRM2023 (Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, JPN), December 15, 2023
  2. Superconducting properties of the mechanically exfoliated strain-free Fe(Se,Te) film,
    (ポスター発表) Len Masuda, Kai Walter, Alexandra Jung, Alberto Martinelli, Jens Hänisch, Kazumasa Iida,
    Materials Research Meeting, MRM2023 (Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, JPN), December 15, 2023
  3. Orientation dependence of structural and critical current properties in symmetric [010]-tilt grain boundaries of Fe(Se,Te),
    (口頭発表) K. Iida, Y. Yamauchi, T. Hatano, J. Hänisch, Z. Guo, H. Gao, S. Tokuta, H. Shi, S. Hata, A. Yamamoto, H. Ikuta,
    The 36th International Symposium on Superconductivity, ISS2023 (Takina Wellington Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wellington, NZ), November 30, 2023
  4. Doping dependence of anisotropy and critical current density in NdFeAs(O,H) thin films,
    (口頭発表) T. Hatano, H. Hibino, H. Imanaka, M. Chen, K. Iida, H. Ikuta,
    The 36th International Symposium on Superconductivity, ISS2023 (Takina Wellington Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wellington, NZ), November 30, 2023
  5. 機械的に剥離した歪みフリーFe(Se,Te)薄膜の超伝導特性,
    (口頭発表) 増田 廉,Kai Walther,Alexandra Jung,Alberto Martinelli,Jens Hänisch,飯田 和昌,
    第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (熊本 市民会館), 2023年9月20日
  6. Fe(Se,Te)の[010]-tilt対称傾角粒界の作製,
    (口頭発表) 飯田 和昌,山内 慶洋,畑野 敬史,Jens Hänisch,郭 子萌,高 紅叶,徳田 進之介,石 昊珊,波多 聰,山本 明保,生田 博志
    第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (熊本 市民会館), 2023年9月20日
  7. NdFeAs(O,H)における臨界電流密度のH置換量依存性及び人工粒界作製,
    (口頭発表) 畑野 敬史,今中 宏哉,日比野 絢斗,飯田 和昌,生田 博志
    第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (熊本 市民会館), 2023年9月20日
  8. 鉄系超伝導体NdFeAs(O,H)における異方性,
    (口頭発表) 畑野 敬史, 日比野 絢斗, 陳 明宇, 櫻井 謙真, 飯田 和昌, 生田 博志
    第78回日本物理学会 (東北大学 川内キャンパス), 2023年9月18日
  9. Fe-based superconducting thin films and their potential for high field applications,
    (招待講演, Focus talk) Kazumasa Iida,
    16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, EUCAS2023 (Bologna, Italy), September 5, 2023
  10. Heavily electron doping NdFeAsO with High Jc and low anisotropy,
    (招待講演) Kazumasa Iida,
    8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM2023 (Liberty Lykia Hotel, Fethiye, Turkey), May 9, 2023


  1. New Strategy for High Critical Current Density: Heavily Electron Doping NdFeAsO,
    (招待講演) Kazumasa Iida,
    International Forum on Applied Superconductivity and Magnetism (onsite & virtual), December 6, 2022
  2. Approaching the ultimate superconducting properties of K-doped BaFe2As2 epitaxial thin films achieved by naturally formed low-angle grain boundary networks,
    (口頭発表) K. Iida, D. Qin, C. Tarantini, T. Hatano, C. Wang, Z. Guo, H. Gao, H. Saito, S. Hata, M. Naito, A. Yamamoto,
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) 2022 (Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, USA), October 24, 2022
  3. Nanoscale orientation analysis toward the grain boundary design of NdFeAs(O,F) films on textured MgO substrates,
    (口頭発表) Z. Guo, H. Gao, K. Kondo, T. Hatano, K. Iida, J. Hänisch, H. Ikuta, S. Hata,
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) 2022 (Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, USA), October 24, 2022
  4. Superconducting Properties of Ba1–xKxFe2As2 Thin Films on MgO Substrate and the Role of Parent BaFe2As2 Buffer Layer,
    (口頭発表) D. Qin, T. Hatano, K. Iida, Z. Guo, H. Gao, S. Hata, M. Naito, A. Yamamoto,
    Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) 2022 (Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, USA), October 24, 2022
  5. Fe(Se,Te)薄膜の作製評価および[010]-tiltバイクリスタル化,
    (口頭発表) 山内 慶洋,飯田 和昌,畑野 敬史,郭 子萌,高 紅叶,德田 進之介,波多 聰,山本 明保,生田 博志,
    第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (東北大学 川内北キャンパス), 2022年9月22日
  6. Recent progress of Fe-based superconducting thin films,
    (招待講演) Kazumasa Iida,
    International Materials Research Congress-IMRC 2022 (onsite & virtual), August 16, 2022
  7. K-doped BaFe2As2/BaFe2As2 bilayer for bi-crystal experiments,
    (口頭発表) K. Iida, D. Qin, T. Hatano, H. Gao, Z. Guo, C. Wang, H. Saito, S. Hata, M. Naito, A. Yamamoto,
    MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit (onsite & virtual), May 24, 2022
