We have studied functional materials, especially superconducting materials. Superconductivity is the ultimate material that saves energy issues thanks to zero electrical resistance. Our aim is to improve the superconducting properties of various materials based on materials science and contribute to a decarbonized society.


  • My half plenary talk at ICMC2021 is posted here.
  • Morinaga, a first-year master's student, gave a poster presentation at the 85th Japan Society of Applied Physics Autumn Meeting. (2024.09.17)
  • Iida gave a plenary talk at ASC2024. (2024.09.03)
  • Press release on the research results on artificial grain boundaries in K-doped Ba122, featured in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. (2024.08.27)
  • A paper summarising our research results on artificial grain boundaries of K-doped Ba122 has been published in NPG Asia Materials. (2024.08.23)
  • A paper on artificial grain boundaries in Fe(Se,Te) thin films has been published in Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. (2024.08.8)
  • The results of joint research with Seikei University, LANM, Univ. of Washington, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University, Kwansei Gakuin University, Yokohama National University, Univ. of Yamanashi, JFCC, Tohoku University, QST, KIT and NIMS have been published in Nature Materials Nature Materials. (2024.07.18)
  • Masuda, a second-year master's student, was selected as a Robert F. Kennedy Scholar of Nihon University.(2024.07.18)
  • Quantum Mechanics II: Introduction to Wave Mechanics was published (2024.6.30)
  • Eleven postgraduates were assigned to the laboratory. (2024.04.05)
  • The graduation ceremony was held and 11 bachelor course students received their degree certificates. (2024.3.25)
  • Iida was awarded IOP trusted reviewer status. (2024.3.18)
  • Quantum Mechanics I Introduction to Matrix Dynamics was published (2023.12.17)
  • Iida and Masuda gave a presentation at MRM2023. (2023.12.11-16)
  • M1 Masuda and B4 Takahashi presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the College of Industrial Engineering, Nihon University, Japan and Masuda received the Best Presentation Award (2023.12.09).
  • Iida and co-researchers gave presentations at ISS2023. (2023.11.30)
  • Iida and M1 student Masuda gave a presentation at the 84th Japan Society of Applied Physics Autumn Meeting. (2023.09.20)
  • I gave a focus talk at 16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 2023) (2023.09.05)
  • Statistical Mechanics (applied edition) has been published. (2023.6.30)
  • I gave an invited talk at8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism (ICSM 2023) (2023.05.09)
  • A review article commissioned by the Institute of Physics' Superconductor & Science Technology journal has been published. (2023.04.28)
  • Eleven bachelor course students have been assigned. (2023.4.8)
  • Statistical Mechanics (basic edition) has been published. (2023.3.31)
  • Four undergraduates have graduated. (2023.3.25)
  • Our research was featured in the December issue of Yano E plus, published by Yano Research Institute Ltd. (2022.12.15)
  • I gave an invited talk at International Forum on Applied Superconductivity and Magnetism (IFASM Oceania 2022). (2022.12.06)
  • I gave a contributed talk at Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC) 2022. (2022.10.24)
  • Mr. Yamauchi (Nagoya Uni.) under my supervision gave a talk at the 83rd JSAP Autumn meeting. (2022.09.22)
  • Epoxy die bonder was installed. (2022.09.15)
  • The relocation of the PLD system was successfully completed. (2022.09.08)
  • Quick coater was installed. (2022.09.02)
  • The result of diluted magnetic semiconductor has been published.(2022.08.11)
  • I gave an invited talk at International Materials Research Congress IMRC2022.(2022.08.16)
  • The result of the joint research with Prof. Yamamoto's group (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology) and Prof. Hata's group (Kyushu Univ.) has been published.(2022.08.10)
  • The result of the joint research with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Institute of Metal Research, Tohoku University has been published. (2022.07.06)
  • I was appointed as a visiting professor at Nagoya University. (2022.6.1)
  • 2022 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibition, in which I participated as one of the session organizers, was successfully held. I also gave a talk. (2022.5.24)
  • UV laser processing machine was reinstalled. (2022.4.11)
  • Four bachelor course students have been assigned. (2022.4.5)
  • Iida has joined the College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University. (2022.4.1)